Page:Tixall Poetry.djvu/158

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Tixall Poetry.
For such a losse, belongs not so to you
But we may challenge equall portions too.
We rivall not, but thus our title prove,
Though yours by nature, she was ours by love.


The Lady Elizabeth Thimelby,

On New-Yeares-Day, 1655, Looking Dayly for Her Sonne from Travaile.

Past is the winter absence of the sunne,
The welcome embleame of your joys begunne,
Your sonne's returning, to make good the trope,
Tis he presents this new-years horiscope.
Tis his returne and presence doth salute,
First in the flowre, and after in the fruité.
For by a rich concurrence he doth bring
Profit and pleasure, harvest-home in spring.
O, happy travailes! that with even paces
Leade, hand in hand, the muses with the graces: