Page:Tixall Poetry.djvu/174

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Tixall Poetry.
Her speaking to is much more free
Then after that her hearers bee;
And her voice is soe sweete and cleere,
That she inspires love through the eare.
Tis vaine to thinke of a defence,
Since she hath charmes for every sence.

I must confesse, awhile I strove,
By reason, to subdue my love;
As saints sometimes 'gainst death doe pray,
Though tis to heaven the nearest way.
Tis Cloe only hath the skill
To make me blest against my will.

No will I soe much as indure
To think unconstancy a cure,
For were I unto that sin bent,
It now would prove my punishment:
Here to adore, I must confesse
Is better then els where successe.