Page:Tixall Poetry.djvu/229

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Tixall Poetry.
At length the maids began to quarrell with the men,
And bid them take ther kisses backe, and give them there
    one againe.

7.Yet there they satt,
   Untill 'twas late,
  And tired the fidler quite;
   Singing, and playing,
   Without any paying,
  From morning untill night.
They told the fidler then, they'd pay him for his play,
And each paid toopence, toopence, toopence, toopence, and
    went away.

8.Good night, saies Tom,
   And soe, saies John,
  Good night, saies Dick to Will;
   Good night, saies Cis,
   Good night, saies Pris,
  Good night, saies Peg to Nell.
Some run, some went, some staid, and dalied by the way,
And bound themselves by kisses twelve to meet next