Page:Tixall Poetry.djvu/231

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Tixall Poetry.
  He that drinkes least,
  Drinkes most like a beast,
  Whilst we carrous six in a band,
  'Tis only then, that we drinke like men,
   When we can neither goe nor stand.

Others there are, such formal grave ones,
Of great affaires they alwais prait,
They tell you who are wise and great ones,
And who are fitt to rule the state.
  They censure every thing;
  Nay, they spare not the king,
  God blesse him, and all true cavaliers;
  For they will drink deep, and goe quietly to sleepe,
   Free from all gelossies and feares.

Your studious, thinking, wurking fancy,
Never leades a quiet life,
We gently play with Cate and Nancy,
Free from all debate and strife.
  Whilst others sit and fret,
  Because they cannot get
