Page:Tixall Poetry.djvu/27

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Bart, of Firle, in Sussex, and the second wife of the third Lord Aston. I have therefore entitled this Third Division, "Poems collected by the Right Honourable Lady Aston."[1]

The poems in the Fourth, and Last Division, consist of such pieces, as I found totally unconnected with each other, and written on backs of letters, or other scraps of paper. These, for want of a better designation, I have entitled "Miscellaneous Poems."[2] I have prefixed to them, a "Pindaric Ode," by Dryden; two small poems, by Sir Richard Fanshawe; one, by Sidney Godolphin; and one by Waller: all of which I found in the old trunk, and which, I believe, are now published for the first time. Of these "Miscellaneous Poems," it is evident, that many were written by individuals of the Aston family, and their friends; while others have been collected from a variety of volumes. Wherever I have been able to discover them, I have pointed it out in the Notes.

With regard to the internal arrangement of the poems, in each Division, I have endeavoured to dispose them in such a manner, as that too many of the same sort, and cast, should not occur together; but that the reader should be led, by a pleasing interchange of subject, and style,

———happily to steer
From grave to gay, from lively to severe.[3]

Having thus related in what manner these poems were discovered,

and explained the order which I have thought proper to

  1. She died, and was buried at Standon, in 1720.
  2. It has since occurred to me, that an appropriate title would be "Reliques," but it was too late for this edition.
  3. Pope.