Page:Tixall Poetry.djvu/338

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Tixall Poetry.
To rise with her in glory, thus we must
Bravely with her on earth shake off our dust.
T' arrive unto her height and greatness there,
We must, like her, be low and little here.
And, lastly, in our proper sphere to move,
Patterne we must our first idea, Love.
Descend, Good Love, or by attraction raise
Our duller soules to sing immortall layes:
Descend, and shew how you our offrings prize,
Descend, Good Love, and fire our sacrifice.

An Epitaph.

A double dialect speakes this stone,
Our ruine and foundation.
Here is summ'd up our gaine, our losse,
Here lies our blessing, and our crosse.
Behold here underneath this floore,
The corner-stone of Bellamore.
How solid must the fabrick prove,
That's founded on the rock Good Love!