Page:Tixall Poetry.djvu/59

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Tixall Poetry.
  But Thou, who with thy powrefull word
  Couldst draine that Ruddy Ocean dry,
  And bid the rock full brookes afford
  In such a wildernesse as I;
  Oh stop that ocean of blood,
And turn my rocky brest into a flood.

  Methinkes, in midst of all thy smart,
  I heare thee cry thou thurst'st for me;
  Then (wounded hart) speke to this hart,
  That's sick to death as well as thee;
  Speke to this hart, my soûles Phisician,
And it will yeeld us waters of Contrition.

  By this the tempest of her sighs
  Had all her pregnant sorrow seas'd:
  She clos'd her lypps, and op't her eyes;
  She wrung her hands, and beat her brest;
  She wayling tore her golden haires,
And spake the rest, more eloquent, in teares.