Page:To accompany A manual of bird study.djvu/75

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C225 The Gossamer Wings ______________________________________ ..T Gray Hair Streak American Wondered Banded Hair Streak

Copper Spring Aznre

C226 Polygons __________________________________________________ -_T

Violet Tip Green Comma Hop Merchant Grey Comma MOTHS C214 Ceeropia __________________________________________________ --T C215 Luna ..__. C216 Promethea C223 Io Moth ..... -. leacr PLATES C200 Katydid ______________ -_S 25 C206 Grasshopper __________ __S C201 Potato Beetleand Ladybird S 25 C217 Cricket _________ .. .8 C202 Honey-bee ____________ __S 25 C218 Wasp, Mud danber-. .5 C203 Tomato-worm S 25 0219 Bumblebee ..... __ -8 C204 Silk-worm __ S 25 C220 Tent Caterpillar- .8 C206 Bag-worm ____________ "S 25 C221 Spider ................ _.8 SUMMER AND FALL FLOWER PLATES No. No. As“, Red Clover c400{ Goldenrod _____________ _.s 25 C419 Alsike Clover ........ __S Bouncing Bet White Clover C401 { J eweI-Weed """"" ‘ 's 20 C420 $3533” ------------ - -5 Boneeet Wood Anemone C402 { Joe Pye Weed --------- “s 25 C421 IAtilfeléAnemone """ "s . n a C408 { $333” .............. __S 25 0422 { Blue Vetch ---------- "3 0423 Wild Indigo 8 Yellow Sweet Clover Blue Lupine ---------- -- C404 Hop Clover _-___S 25 _ Monkey Flower lDiabléltifoot Clover C424 Foxglove ....... __S an e lon A .1, d 0405 gawifieed """"" “ s 25 C425 (3331“ ---------- “8 ay 1 v ' a ' C406{Turk‘a on my ------ «S 25 cm ggd 3:33“ _______ _-s Black—eyed Susan C427 Snndew s 0407 Bur-Marigold ____ __S 25 Pitcher Plant """" " (Daisy c428 { Mandrake s Hardback Common Milkweed """ “ C408 Agnmony .......... __S 25 C429 { Spotted Wintergreen s geadovfievlvleet Wintergreen "" reat u ein Primrose, Evening C409 Moth Mullein """"" "s 25 04ml Meadow Beauty "" "8 C410 { Oswego Tea 8 25 Robin’s Plantain %M-hfal """"" " C43] gat‘glfinake Plantain --.-S ease n antain C4“ { Wild Morning Glory ""3 25 cm I Bellwort 3 C412{ Canada Thistle S 25 1 Wild Oats """"""" “ gullig‘histle """" " C gsjl Grgss Prim]:k 3 0a an 4. In in in __________ .- Cfls{glllrtle‘-rflead """""" “s 25 Snakemoritli, 1 no ervain Cin uefoi . nrp e C4l4lggmmoll‘i18t. Johnawort‘"S 25 0434 1'? GCommon ""8 ater i y B ue-eye rasa (“mi Yellow Pond Lily ------ "s 25 c435{ sm oi Bethelem _______ __s Wild Ginger Star Grass 0416 Jimson Weed .......... __S 25 C436 Spikenard, Wild 3 gim'islz'efii 331°??? Siaivhi; """ '— un a age 00 rre l 0417{ gum“ ........ _.s 25 0437{ B “d F “v le‘eu" orget-lne-not ir oot in e C418 { Viper’a Bugloas """ "S 25 C438{ Mitrewort