Page:Toast-master's companion (3).pdf/12

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Envy in an air-pump, without a passage to breathe through,
Faith in every kind of commerce
Freedom to those who dare contend for it
Frugality without meanness
Great men honest, and honest men great
Good luck till we are tired of it
Gratitude to acknowledge favours done
Good trade and well paid
However secure we are by birth may we never be renowned for crimes
Heaven to those who wish for it, and repentance to those who do not
Gaiety and innocence
Hastiness in doing good and tardiness in doing evil
Health, happiness, riches, and a good wife
Honest men and bonny lasses
Humanity in prosperity, and fortitude in distress
Health of body, peace of mind, a clean shirt, and a guinea
Integrity in those who wear the robe of justice
In the comedy of life may errors be excepted
May the mind never feel the decay of the body
May the rich be charitable and the poor grateful
May the best day we have ever seen be the worst we have to come to
May the devil cut away the toes of our enemies, that we may
know them by their limping
May we live to learn, and learn to live well
May virtue find fortune always an attendant
May reality strengthen the joys of imagination
May harmony arise from the ashes of discord
May temptation never conquer virtue
May wisdom and discretion be our topsail
May meannss never accompany riches
May we never be blind to our own errors
May we cherish hope and conquer fear
May generosity meet its own reward
May the tear of sensibility never cease to flow
May we be slaves to nothing but our duty
May we never feel want nor never want feeling
May we always look forward for better things, but never be
discontented with the present