Page:Toast-master's companion (3).pdf/14

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May we never suffer for principles we do not hold
May the prison gloom be cheered by the rays of hope, and
liberty fetter the arms of oppression
May vanity be punished with inattention, and merit be rewarded
with respect
May might never overcome right
May we always be bumb-proof against villainy
May we never be stranded at Cuckold s point
May we never want courage when put to the shift
May we live in pleasure and die out of debt
May we never cease to deserve well of our country
May the journey through life be as sweet as it is short
Everlasting life to the man who gave the death-blow to the slave-trade
Annihilation to the trade of corruption
Addition to our trade, multiplication to our manufactories,
subtraction to taxes, and reduction to places and pensions
All the honest reformers of our country
Lots of beef and oceans of grog
A broadside of comfort to every distressed Seaman
Success to the Fair for manning the Navy
All free-born sons of the ancient and honourable Craft
All true and faithful Brothers
Success to our army, success to our fleet,
And our foes be compelled to bend at our feet
May the brow of the brave never want a wreath of laurel to adorn it
The British trio-Wellington, Hill, and Gaham
Love without fear, and life without care
Life, love, liberty, and true friendship
Love to one, friendship to a few, and good-will to all
May the foundation of every Lodge be so laid, its building sure,
and its members numerous and happy
May the growth of the Rose, Thistle, and Shamrock never be
prevented by the Fleur de Lis.
May the devil never pay visits abroad, nor receive company at home
May we never want a bait when we fish for content
May every worthy Brother, who is willing to work and labour
through the day, be happy at night with his friend, his
love, and a cheerful glass
May religion and civil liberty always go hand in hand