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friend in either country
May the Gallic cook never tread among British poultry
May those who would revel in the ruin of Britain, or her
daughters, dance in a hempen neckcloth
May loyalty flourish for ever
Laurel water to the enemies of the constitution
May revolutions never cease while tyranny exists
May the frowns of avarice never disfigure the face of a Briton
May the produce of Britain never exceed her consumption
May every Briton be loyal, and find a loyal protection
Our constitution, as settled at the Revolution
May the rights of Great Britain never be invaded by foreigner
May the hearts of our sons be honest and brave, and our daughter
ters modest and pure


The Brtish Army- May its distinguishing characteristic always
be fortitude in the hour of disaster, courage in the hour
of danger, and mercy in the hour of victory
Field-Marshal the of Wellington, and our gallant country
men who fought under him
Lieut. Gen. Sir T. Maitland, and the staff of Ireland
The heroes of Waterloo
The magnanimous Emperor Alexander
All those who have fought and bled for great Britain
Marshal Beresford, and the brave Portuguese
Marshal Blucher, and the gallant Prussians
Prince Platoff, and the brave Cossacks
The Marquis of Huntly, and the brave 42d Regiment
The Earl of Hopetoun, and the gallant 92d Regiment
To the memory of Sir Thomas Picton, and all our brave country
men who fell at Waterloo
All our brave allies who so nobly assisted in the late sanguinary war
To the memory of Sir Ralph Abercrombie; and may the
laurels which Scotland gained when he fell, bloom to the
latest ages untarnished by any of her future warriors
Every soldier his right, and every deserter a halter
When honour is to be decided by the sword, may it never find
its way to the heart
May the Soldier never fall a sacrifice but to glory
The brave warriors of Russia