Page:Toast-master's companion (3).pdf/4

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May who find the way to be married, find A Cure for the Heart Ache
The Roses of Love without the thorns
The spring of life and the fountain of enjoyment
The life we love with those we love
Sincerity before marriage and fidelity afterwards
All that love can give and sensibility
Beauty's best companion-Modesty
Charms to strike the sight, and merit to win the heart
Here's a health to the maid that is constant and kind
Who to charms bright as Venus adds Diana
Laughing lovers to merry maids
Love and opportunity
Love's slavery
Love, liberty, and length of blissful days
The Masters and Wardens of all regular Lodges
Love for love
May the lovers of the fair sex never want means to support and
to defend them
May the villain who robs my daughter of her virtue outlive
every friend May the joys of the fair give pleasure to the heart
May the sparks of love brighten into a flame
May the bud of affection be ripened by the sunshine of sincerity
The dignity of the fair sex
Fair faces and fair game
May we be loved by those we love
May we kiss whom we please, and please whom we kiss
May a virtuous offspring succeed to mutual and honourable love
May the confidence of love be rewarded with constancy in its object
May the presence of the Fair curb the licentious
May the honourable lover obtain the object of his wishes
May the wings of Love never loose a feather
May the lovers of the Fair be modest, faithful, and kind
May the passions of women be stronger than the prejudices of education
Success to the lover, and joy to the beloved
Sweetbriars, and the aggreeable rubs of life.
The lass we like, and the friend we can trust
The single married, and the married happy
The comforts of matrimony, and the single happy