Page:Toilers of the Trails.djvu/66

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So overpowering a hatred of these strangers momentarily possessed him that it took all his self-command to keep his hand off his knife and then and there, in the narrow cabin, avenge this insult to his manhood. But the knowledge that the wit and daring of Gaspard Laroque alone stood between the safety of the little settlement at Albany and fire and pillage at the hands of these sea-wolves brought him to his senses.

Only the glitter in the deep-set eyes of the Cree evidenced the fierce emotion that had swayed him when the captain slapped his empty glass down upon a table and said:

"You say they have new guns at Albany. Are they mounted in earthworks surrounding the post, or is it an old stone fort?"

Laroque was stumped, but he caught at the suggestion in the first part of the question. He was playing the game through to the bitter end, so he hazarded:

"Oh, plentee new gun' in dirt-wall and stone-wall. Strong place, dees Fort Albanee."

It was painfully evident from the sober faces of his hearers that they were impressed with the magnitude of the undertaking before them.

For some time the officers debated in their native tongue while the Cree smiled inwardly at the consternation in the enemy's camp over the tale of a half-breed they despised. Truly the factor, MacGregor, would never recognize his log buildings, with their frail dog-stockade, from the descrip-