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all God ours. Thus, to cleave to God when we do not find comfort from him, this is believing indeed; to love the hand that smites, this is true grace and great grace. A noble act of faith was that, Job xiii. 15. “though he slay me, yet will I trust in him;" So “Abraham staggered not at the promises through unbelief,” Rom. iv. 20. He brought God's promises and faithfulness close together, and considered none of the difficulties nay absurdities, which came between them: It was not —"Is this reasonable? What probability is there in that? How can these things be?" &c. but being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; he clave to him, abode by his promise in a way of faith and firm dependance.

This is the true nature of submission, and is contained in that expression in my text, “It is well." A word of use.——

Use 1. Wonder not at your trials, be they never so strange: “All is well; some secret end is to be answered which you see not; God is in all; the hand and love of a Father is there. They are to purge from sin, to wean from the world, to bring you from the foot of God, to shew you that your rest is not here, that it lies beyond the