Page:Token for mourners.pdf/18

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What fatal mischiefs would follow, if there was no variety in our experience! There are so many remains of depraved nature in the hearts of the saints, that if the warm sun of prosperity did always shine upon the Lord's garden, the weeds would quickly multiply, the choicest flowers wither, and an army of caterpillars devour the pleasant fruits. To prevent these, God will not suffer his people to enjoy uninterrupted prosperity, but wisely appoints seasons of affliction and trouble.

On the other hand, were we to groan under perpetual adversity, our souls perhaps would suffer equal prejudice. Our heavenly father will not always chide; he remembers that we are but dust, and that our flesh is not like brass or iron. Were we never in the fire, our dross would not be consumed, and were we always to be in the fire, our silver and gold would be wasted.

Hereby God takes a proper method for the exercise and improvement of the graces of his children. Without such a mixed condition, there could be no room for many of them, and not room enough for any of them to appear in their glory and beauty. Were it always a day of prosperity where would be the proof of their faith, hope and patience?—the evil day brings thee to rest. To