Page:Tolkien - A middle English Vocabulary.djvu/6

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AFr. Anglo-French.

allit. alliterative ; (in) alliterative verse, &c.

ci. in etymologies indicates uncertain or indirect relation.

constr. constructed with ; construction.

Du. Dutch.

E. ; Mn.E. (Modem) English.

E.D.D. The English Dialect Dictionary.

Fr. French.

Fris. (Modern) Frisian (dialects).

from is prefixed to etymologies when the word illustrated has

additional suffixes, &c., not present in the etymon. G. German. ,

Goth. Gothic. Icel. (Modern) Icelandic.

Kt. ; OKt. Kentish ; Kentish dialect of Old English. L. ; Med.L. Latin; Mediaeval Latin. MDu. Middle Dutch. ME. Middle English. MHG. Middle High German. MLG. Middle Low German. N.E.D. The Oxford (New) English Dictionnry. Nth ; ONth. Northumbrian ; Northumbrian dialect of Old English. NVM. North West Midland. OE. Old English. OFr. Old French. OFris. Old Frisian. OMG. Old High German. Olr. Old Irish.

ON. Old Norse, especially Old Icelandic. ONFr. Northern dialects of Old French. OS. Old Saxon (Old Low German), prec. preceding word, red. reduced ; reduction. Swed. Swedish. WS ; O VVS. West Saxon (dialect of Old English).

  • is prefixed where forms are theoretically reconstructed.

+ between the elements shows that a compound or derivative is first recorded in Middle English,