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reflected light is parallel to the axis of the grating. (Such an adjustment is automatically obtained with the Rowland form of mounting.) If the adjustment of the grating should be such that the difference in path all occurs after reflection it can easily be shown that the first theory would lead to a Doppler effect of the expected magnitude, and for intermediate adjustments to an effect of intermediate magnitude.

With regard to actual experimental results obtained with the reflected light parallel to the axis of the grating, the writer quotes from a letter received from Professor Stark.

Professor Stark says: "Sowohl in meinen Beobachtungen mit dem Konkav wie mit dem Plangitter (Ann. d. Phys., 28, 974, 1909) waren die gebeugten Strahlen, welche das beobachtete Spektrogram lieferten nicht parallel oder nahezu parallel der Gitteraxe. Doch has Paschen (Ann. d. Phys., 23, 247, 1907), soviel ich sehen kann, den Doppler Effekt bei Kanalstrahlen in der Näe der Axe (Normalen) eines Konkavgitters beobachtet; er hat dabei mit Hilfe eines Objektivs paralleles Licht auf das Gitter fallen lassen. Ein Unterschied zwischen Paschens und meinen Resultaten uber den Doppler-Effekt bei Kanalstrahlen hat sich indes nicht ergeben. Die zwei Methoden (einfallendes Licht parallel der Gitteraxe, gebeugtes Licht parallel dieser) liefern also bei gleicher dispersion ubereinstimmende Doppler-Effekt-Spektrogramme."

We thus see that the first of the above emission theories does not seem to accord with experimental facts.

The Stewart Theory.

By considering the same measurements of Doppler effect just described, it can also be shown that the Stewart theory does not agree with experimental facts.

Suppose a concave grating, Fig. 2, arranged as before with the center of curvature coinciding with the position of the line of the spectrum to be photographed at D.

Consider first a stationary source and let τ be the period of the source which produces a bright line at D, If Δt is the time interval between the departures from the source of two light impulses which after traveling over the two paths ABD and ACD arrive simultaneously at D, it is evident, as in the previous discussion that the condition necessary for their arrival in phase and hence for the production of a bright line is given by the equation

, (3)

where i is a whole number.