Page:Tolstoy - Pamphlets.djvu/153

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godly life. And this propensity calls forth God, i.e. Love in others.

This is not expressed clearly.

My chief idea is that love evokes love in others. God, having awakened in me, produces the awakening of the same God in others also.


One of the signs of the fulfilment of the Christian law, the will of God, is union. . . . Our principal aim must be to abolish all the obstacles which separ ate us, to hold fiast only that which unites us not only with Christians, but also with Mohammedans, and Buddhists, and savages. That is Chris tianity . . . the teaching of truth, com prehensible to all nations and all men.


Above all, above all—I say to you from soul to soul; the chief aim, in finite, joyful, always attainable, and worthy of the powers entrusted to us, is the increase of love.


When an unsolved question tor ments one, then one feels oneself to be a diseased member of some whole, healthy body; one feels oneself to be an unsound tooth in a sound body, and one asks the whole body to help the one member.

The whole body is God; the mem ber is myself.