Page:Tom Brown's School Days.djvu/102

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Tom finds a Patron.

coachman, as if any one of them would be quite equal to getting on the box, and working the team down street as well as he.

One of the young heroes, however, ran out from the rest, and scrambled up behind; where, having righted himself, and nodded to the guard, with "How do, Jem?" he turned short round to Tom, and, after looking him over for a minute, began—

"I say, you fellow, is your name Brown?"

"Yes," said Tom, in considerable astonishment, glad however to have lighted on some one already who seemed to know him.

"Ah, I thought so: you know my old aunt. Miss East, she lives somewhere down your way in Berkshire. She wrote to me that you were coming today, and asked me to give you a lift."

Tom was somewhat inclined to resent the patronising air of his new friend, a boy of just about his own height and age, but gifted with the most transcendent coolness and assurance, which Tom felt to be aggravating and hard to bear, but couldn't for the life of him help admiring and envying—especially when young my lord begins hectoring two or three long loafing fellows, half porter half stableman, with a strong touch of the blackguard; and in the end arranges with one of them, nicknamed Cooey, to carry Tom's luggage up to the School-house for six-pence.

"And heark'ee, Cooey, it must be up in ten minutes, or no more jobs from me. Come along, Brown." And away swaggers the young potentate, with his hands in his pockets, and Tom at his side.

"All right, sir," says Cooey, touching his hat, with a leer and a wink at his companions.

"Hullo tho'," says East, pulling up, and taking