Page:Tom Brown's School Days.djvu/241

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An Episode.

ing his example. "Thank goodness, no big fellow ever took to petting me."

"You'd never have been like that," said East.

"I should like to have put him in a museum:— Christian young gentleman, nineteenth century, highly educated. Stir him up with a long pole. Jack, and hear him swear like a drunken sailor! He'd make a respectable public open its eyes, I think."

"Think he'll tell Jones?" said Tom.

"No," said East. "Don't care if he does."

"Nor I," said Tom. And they went back to talk about Arthur.

The young gentleman had brains enough not to tell Jones, reasoning that East and Brown, who were noted as some of the toughest fags in the school, wouldn't care three straws for any licking Jones might give them, and would be likely to keep their words as to passing it on with interest.

After the above conversation. East came a good deal to their study, and took notice of Arthur; and soon allowed to Tom that he was a thorough little gentleman, and would get over his shyness all in good time; which much comforted our hero. He felt every day, too, the value of having an object in his life, something that drew him out of himself; and it being the dull time of the year, and no games going about for which he much cared, was happier than he had ever yet been at school, which was saying a great deal.

The time which Tom allowed himself away from his charge was from locking up till supper time. During this hour or hour and a-half he used to take his fling, going round to the studies of all his acquaintance, sparring or gossiping in the hall,