Page:Tom Swift and His Electric Runabout.djvu/229

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THE DON STURDY SERIES By VICTOR APPLETON 7 WALTER S. ROGERS -a company with his uncles, one a the other a noted scientist, Don Sturdy travels far and wide, mactm much useful knowledge and many thrill- lug adventures. STURDY ON THE DESERT OF MYSOi DON Autoing iii the Land of the Caravans. engrossing tale of the Sahara with wild animals and DON STURDY WITH THE BIG SNAKE DON STURDY IN THE TOMBS OF GOLD; Or, The Old Egyptian’s Great Secret A fascinating tale of exploration and adventure in Kings in Valley of lost in the maze of a!ike tombs far underground. DON STURDY IN THE LAND OF VOLCANOES; Or, The Trail of the Ten Thousand Smokes. An ab so ing tale of adventures among the volcanoes a territory but recently explored. A story that lash will make Don dearer to his readers than ever. Go gle w and Tat Volu Co;1] Jet. In r • i1 I;0] gaining F hunter and S Arabs. Or, Lost in the Jungles of the Amazon. HUNTERS; of encounters TERY Don’s uncle, the hunter, took an order for some of alive!;1] The filling of t order brought keen excite’ nTi;0] t to the boy. snakes to be found in South America to be deli,’ p DON STURDY ACROSS THE NORTH POLE; Once the whole party * Or, Cast Away in the Land of Ice.;1] Ab,;0] Don and his uncles joined an across the north pole. A great polar tion bound by air the airship. lizzard nearlywr in ROSSET UNLAP, PUBlISHERS, NEW