Page:Tom Swift and His Submarine Boat.djvu/9

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I News of a Treasure Wreck 1
II Finishing the Submarine 12
III Mr. Berg Is Astonished 23
IV Tom Is Imprisoned 29
V Mr. Berg Is Suspicious 40
VI Turning the Tables 53
VII Mr. Damon Will Go 64
VIII Another Treasure Expedition 72
IX Captain Weston's Advent 78
X Trial of the Submarine 87
XI On the Ocean Bed 97
XII For a Breath of Air 105
XIII Off for the Treasure 114
XIV In the Diving Suits 122
XV At the Tropical Island 129
XVI "we'll Race You for It!" 134
XVII The Race 140
XVIII The Electric Gun 149
XIX Captured 156
XX Doomed to Death 166
