Page:Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera.djvu/38

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"It was worth all I suffered, if you go, and I know you will. Don't trouble yourself to come out I can find my way, and if your giant comes after me, I'll call for help."

He hurried out before Tom could follow, and, hearing the gate click a little later, and no call for help coming, our hero concluded that his visitor had gotten safe away.

"Well, what am I going to do about it?" mused Tom, as he resumed work on his silent motor. He had not been long engaged in re-adjusting some of the valves, when he was interrupted.

This time it was his chum, Ned Newton, who entered, and, as Ned was well known to the giant, nothing happened.

"Well, what's up, Tom?" asked Ned.

"Why, did you notice anything unusual?" asked Tom.

"I saw Koku standing at the gate a while ago, looking down the road at a short stout man, with a red tie. Your giant seemed rather excited about something."

"Oh, yes. I'll tell you about it," and Tom related the details of Mr. Period's visit.

"Are you going to take his offer?" asked Ned.

"I've got until to-morrow to make up my mind. What would you do, Ned?"