Page:Tom Swift in the Caves of Ice.djvu/132

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"It's too dark to see very much," objected Ned. But this was overcome when Tom started up a dynamo, and brought out a portable searchlight which was played upon the superstructure of the Red Cloud. The gas-bag was the only part of the craft they feared for, as the hailstones could not damage the iron or wooden structures and the planes were made in sections, and in such a manner that rents in them could easily be repaired. So, in fact, could the gas-bag be mended, but it was harder work.

"Well, she's got some bad tears in her," announced Tom, as the light flashed over the big bag. "Luckily I have plenty of the material, and some cement, so I think we can mend the rents, though it will take some days. Nothing could have been better for us than this cave. We'll stay here until we're ready to go on."

"Unless the Indians drive us out," said Abe, in a low tone.

"Why, do you think there is any danger of that?" inquired Tom.

"Well, th' brown-skinned beggars aren't any too friendly," responded the old miner. "Th' one that was in here will be sure to tell th' others of some big spirit that flew into th' cave, an' they'll be crowdin' around here when th' storm's over. It may be we can fight 'em off, though."