Page:Tom Swift in the Caves of Ice.djvu/163

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"Can I help you, Tom? What's to be done?" demanded Ned Newton, as he rushed to where his chum was yanking on various levers and gear wheels.

"Wait a minute!" gasped the young inventor. "I want to throw on the storage battery, and that will give us some light. Then we can see what we are doing." An instant later the whole ship illuminated, and those aboard her felt calmer. Still the Red Cloud continued to sink.

"Can't we do something? yelled Ned. "Start the propellers, Tom!"

"No, I'll use the gas. I can't see where we're heading for, as the searchlight is out of business. We may be in the midst of a lot of bergs. We were flying too low, just start the gas generating machine."

Ned hurried to obey this order. He saw Tom's object. With the big bag full of gas the airship