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came in amang them a' man,
Nare durst withstand their heavy hand,
all fled and ran awa' then.

"Oh on a ri! oh, on a ri!"
why should we lose king Shames, man!
"Oh, rig in di! oh rig in di!"
she shall break a' her banes then.

Wi' "Furichinesh;" and stay a while,
and speak a word or twa man,
She’s gi' a stra k out o'er her neck,
before ye win awa' then.

O fy for shame ye're three for ane,
her nainser's won the day man;
King Shames' red coats shou d be hung up,
because they ran awa' then:

Had bent their brows like Highland trews,
and made as lang a stay man,
They’d sav'd their King, that sacred thing,
and Willie run awa' then.


WHEN trees did bud and fields were green,
and broom bloom'd fair to see;
When Mary was complete fifteen,
and love laugh'd in her ee;

Blythe Davie's blinks her heart did move,
to speak her mind thus free,
Gang down the burn Davie, love,
and I shall follow thee.