Page:Tongues of Flame (1924).pdf/47

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Chapter V

HARRINGTON gazed at this agitated mass of human being, his expression one of supreme disgust.

"I warned you," he shrugged irritably. "Why do you come back to me?"

"Because you are the only man that don't fly off the handle," urged the shivering hulk. "You can stop 'em. Nobody else can. They're coming—they're coming after me now!" he howled, fear-stricken eyes rolling wildly as a thunder of feet began on the stairs.

"You're not worth saving, Hornblower," Harrington denounced sharply; "but come on! I won't let them hurt you."

The huge cowering shyster held back but Henry seized him contemptuously by a fat wrist and dragged his protesting bulk behind him through the door and out to the head of the stairs as the mob came storming up. It was headed by Gaylord, by Schuler and by George Hughes, president of the State Bank, two blocks down. The faces of all three were angry and determined, like the mass of features framed in behind them on the stair.

A mob! A murderous mob, headed by first citizens, in broad daylight, hot and unashamed!

"We're going to hang the ——" announced the banker.

"He deserves it," agreed Henry fiercely. "Clear the stair! I'll bring him down."