Page:Tongues of Flame (1924).pdf/80

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four miles to Edgewater," she assured him. "I can have you on the mainland in five minutes. Adam John is waiting there now with his flivver; he will put you in town in fifteen minutes more."

"Thank God!" ejaculated Henry. "I had an engagement to play golf with Miss Boland at ten. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

The slightest possible change in expression appeared upon the face of the Indian girl.

"If you can stand the trip so soon," she qualified.

"Oh, I could stand the trip all right," declared Henry, "if—if I only had some more of that broth."

"Why, of course," assured the girl, suddenly gracious again. "Let me think," she exclaimed, and squatted motionless again while some inscrutable complex formed behind the mask of her pretty face. "Yes," she declared with emphasis, while the dark eyes glittered with the force of a new purpose, "yes, I can add something that will help—something that will make the broth stronger."

"That will be fine." Henry smacked his lips in pleasant anticipation. "Lahleet, you certainly are the goods."

As if pleased with the compliment, the girl bounded up and the moccasined feet again went padding about the fireplace. Her every movement was grace.

"You are herb-wise?" asked Henry, as he saw her crumbling dried leaves into a saucepan with water, and putting it to simmer amid the embers.

"All Indians are that," the girl answered quietly. "When it boils it will be ready."

"I think I might get up out of your way," proposed Henry, looking up as she stood almost over his feet.