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Agents & HelpWanted

1 MAD $50,000 in five years with asoall mall order buslicss; begun with, Send for tree booklet. Tells how, Heacock, Bux 719, Lockport, New York.

MEN OF IDRAS and inventive ability should write for new Hist of “Needed Inventions," “Patent. Buy- ers,” and “Maw to Get Your Patent and Your Money.” Advice Free. {indolvh & Co, Patent Attorneys, Dupt Washington, D.C.

BIG KANSAS COMP2 aobitious man + eeowiny basiness: yearly: spare tite: no experience, We furnish every- thing. Writu for unique selling plan. ©. W. Kyestone, President, 158 i 5th, Mitsbure, Kans

NY will start

no canvassing:

Patents and Lawyers—~Continued,

Motion Picture Plays—Continued.

PATENTS, ‘Trade-Marks and Copy- rights, Our handbook on patents will be sent free on request. All patents se- cured through us are described with- Oat cost Lo The patentee in the Selen- filie American. Munn & Co. Patent Attorneys, 682 Woolworth dg. N.Y, Washington, D.C, Olice, 625 °F St.

PATENTS, TRADW-MA RKS. Send for my iree hook “ilow To Get Them," it's full_of Diformation you should know, Joshua R. A. Potts, 8S. Dear born St, Chicago, 929 Chestnut St, Philadephia, 85 G. Sl, Washington.

IDEAS WANTED—Manafacturcrs are writing for patents procured through me, 3 books wlth list 260 inventions wanted sent free. Advice [ree. Test patentor notes. 1. Bwen 39 Gwen Bide. Washington, D.C.

INCREASE Your Income §8 to S10 weekly raising mushrooms in cellars, steds, boxes, Pree dooklet. Hiram. Harton. 40) Wath St. New York. positions pay big Get prepared tur “exe” by ner U.S. Civilservice examiner. “ree booklet, Patterson CLViLsi AGol, Bux 1050, Kochester, N.Y

UGVERN MENT money. f

Patents and Lawyers

PATENTS SECURED OR FEE returned, Send sketch for free report as to patentability, CGufd¢ Book add tu duvent, with valuable List of Inventions Wanted, sent Iree, Que Millfoa Dollars offered for one tnveutlon, — Patents secured by ns verlised free in World's Progress, uuple free. Victor J. Evans d& Co, 767 Ninth Street, Washington, b. ¢

Masic and Song Poems

SONG POEMS WANTED tor publi. eatlon. Big. money writing sone Past experience unnece: Or proposition positively w- eqialled. We aecept available work Gor publication and sceure copyri ht in your name. Send us your song poems or melodies to-day or write for instructive hook let—its tree Marks-Goldsmith Co, Dept. Uy Washington, D.C.

Motion Pictare Plays

Teuarantce $10 for first Photo Play you write by my method, Obtain ire bouklet “How To Write Photo Hays." Elbert Moore, Box 772 11 ¥, Chicago.

WRETE Moving each; all or spare ence course u Auas Pub, Co

Picture Plays: $50 time; correspond. ecessary; details tree, 5 Atlas Ridg., Cin, O.

Business Oppor tunities

FREE FOR SIX MONTHS—My Special offer to Introduce my maga zine “Investing for Profit.’ It Is worth $10 a copy tu anyone who has been gelling poorer while the rich, richer. Itdemonstrates the real earn- ing power of maney and shows how Anyone, no matter how poor, Can ac: quire riches. Investing for Profit ts the only progressive Snanclaljourna. published, Tt shows hrw §100 grows to $2200. “Write Now and Ul send glx months free, Fi. T. Barber, 407, 20 W. Jacksan Rivd.. Chicaro.

Firearms Wanted

FIRBEARMS—OliAlme and Muod- erm, Tiuy, Sé4, exchange all sors. Stephen Van Ttensselaer, West Orange, New Jersey.

Games & Entertainment

MAGIC -aodern Parlor Tricks. e8- capes and illusions just listed, Cal

logue on parlor and stage magic yours for askin Ryan & Von Bacho, Rochester, > Dept. 5,


WIRELESS— Latest Improved mineral detector: ull parts of min. eru brought instantly to nge, Flnest adjustment, Price 8.75 pestpatd: send 2c slamp for cireular. Bonduaux & Kaights, 82 Hewitt PL, Bronx, N,


Explains how we Biginena fs Refi Workine Mabe



BP causrs:maninins. cre Aeware of imitators, This is the a irs kind in the world. Models made int DYKE’S SCHOOL OF MOTORING, Box 9, Roe

"A eteciric starrer scr magneto’

guland fev an

stustentn Boa't mn

if vem the

nateian wi ue nes idea EMPLOYMENT PLAN, Thy enlaties they are vice ing "SEND FOR BOOKLET NOWE

fined end only syssene of

iat YOU tn the Avto fens Chautlelir, Sulescnn h DYESS NEW IDEA SVETEM or tee

tan, want Mills Pate

nanies of some of wut

Bidg., St. Louls, Mo.

Ha SE Bldg., WASHIN'

I will send my 25¢ Book

Strong Arms

for 10c in slamps or coin D ustraced with twenty fullbp-ge halftone cuts shuwing exercises that will quiekly develop, beau tify and cain great etre year sho nig ued withont 3 araUR.

PROF. ANTHONY BARKER 1810 Barker Building,

110 West 42nd Street,



New York

6 How

tional Dre:

‘Aeuiyt Physieat


USEEUL SUBJECT: Sheldon's Letter Writer: "rami ‘Siewriweiy's Bose 1h

sand Nell defenses ixerebes,

Money in Patents

Isccure your patent or returnmy fee. Manufacturers

nts, Write for frec booklet, “How to

Get Your Patent and Make Your Profits Thercon."* Fassist in selling your patent. Registered U.S. Putent Atty., 249 Gom. Nat, Bank





Shirley's Lover's Reautiluls Guide to Ki


ide; Woman's elie: Pi

win Hook; %


a Fartune Pelle ey to Efypnotisias

Street & Smith, Publishers, 79-89 +89 Seventh Ave., New York

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