Page:Top-Notch Magazine, May 1 1915 (IA tn 1915 05 01).pdf/52

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"To-night," he whispered, "I shall be ruined and disgraced—ruined and disgraced! The petty conjuring I did with that express package was wasted effort. It would have been better had I taken the burglar's kit to the Burt City sheriff, told him all just as I have told it now to you, Mr. Ruthven, and thus had the story come from my own lips. Now Morrison will tell it, and—and who knows whether——"

His voice failed. Lois ran to his side, put an arm about him, and gently but firmly led him back toward the other room. Ruthven had also risen to his feet, his brain bewildered by all he had heard; but, deep in his heart, he was conscious of profound sympathy for Arlo McKenzie and his daughter.

Lois emerged alone from the rear room, and went straight to Ruthven. "You believe my father?" she asked.

"Absolutely," he answered; "and I am sorry for him—and for you."

"When—when you write Gwen, please make it easy for us," she begged.

"I shall not write Gwen anything about it," said he, "and I shall not speak to any one about it until Morrison has had his way. Then, when I do talk, it will be as a friend of Arlo McKenzie, and as a believer in him."

She caught b»th his hands.

"Oh," she murmured chokingly, "I felt that the man who had befriended Howard Millyar could not turn from father and me! Will you come this afternoon? Will you please be with us when Weasel Morrison faces father? I want you to know all that takes place, Mr. Ruthven."

"I will come," he said, and he went away.



IN order to marshal the facts regarding those two Barton packages, so that the various substitutions might be clear to him, directly after dinner at the hotel Ruthven went to his room. With pencil and paper he jotted down the following:

Tuesday, about eleven o'clock. McKenzie learns how express matter is handled, and, while sending package of boots to Barton, takes from the office a prepaid yellow slip and blank waybill. Also, without the knowledge of Reeves, he uses the rubber stamps on the waybills.
Tuesday, three o'clock. Lois enters express office with satchel. Makes first substitution while Summerfield, busy in the cage with his back toward her, is oblivious of her presence. Taking out the parcel with the burglars' tools, she puts into the satchel the six-pound package.
Tuesday, about three-thirty. Summerfield looks over the packages by the stove. Weighs Barton package, and finds it weighs eight pounds. He places it in the storeroom, laying it on shelf near open, barred window. McKenzie, finding an improved jimmy has been left out in hurry and excitement of getting substitute package ready, creeps up through alley back of express office and substitutes original six-pound package for counterfeit eight-pound parcel.
Tuesday, five p.m. Reeves, the driver, comes into express office. Package is weighed by him and Summerfield, and tips the scale at six pounds.
Tuesday, about six p.m. McKenzie comes to rear window of storeroom to put back the counterfeit package with the added jimmy, but is unable to do so. The original package is not in the storeroom, but has been left outside by Reeves and Summerfield.
Tuesday evening, eight-thirty. Lois comes to express office. Summerfield goes to drug store for ice cream. While he is away, Lois hands original package to her father, who is outside waiting, and takes from him counterfeit package with the improved jimmy added.
Tuesday evening, about nine. Package is weighed by Summerfield, Lois, and Ruthven. Nine pounds. Unknown to Summerfield, but with knowledge of Lois, Ruthven puts private pencil mark on package.
Tuesday evening, after nine. Weasel Morrison's telegram about the "canister" is received by McKenzie. That night, McKenzie opens window in rear of storeroom and removes package to add still another article to its contents. When he comes to put back the counterfeit package and take original, he is interfered with by night watchman and gives up the attempt for the night. Lois has told