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Page:Toponymic Guidelines for Antarctica.pdf/4

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Proposed names with unsuitable generics may be considered for approval with their generic terms modified by the Commission.

Usage considered sufficiently fixed or unanimous may be accepted as valid grounds for approval of a name that otherwise would not qualify.

7. Language and spelling

Names are approved in their Bulgarian language forms using Cyrillic script, together with Roman spelling versions obtained as outlined herein. Generic elements of names will normally be translated into one of the official Antarctic Treaty languages which use Roman script (English, French, Spanish), with specific elements correspondingly Romanized. Definite articles of place names which contain no generic elements may be dropped in the process with generics added instead. In the case of English language, conversion of Bulgarian names to Roman spelling is based on the following graphemic correspondences scheme:

а - a, б - b, в - v, г - g, д - d, е - e, ж - zh, з - z,
и - i, й - y, к - k, л - l, м - m, н - n, о - o, п - p,
р - r, с - s, т - t, у - u, ф - f, х - h, ц - ts, ч - ch,
ш - sh, щ - sht, ъ - a, ь - y, ю - yu, я - ya.

However, authentic Roman spellings of names of non-Bulgarian origin, and traditional Roman spellings which exist for few Bulgarian names will have priority.

8. Names approval procedures

Proposals for new names should be submitted to the Antarctic Place- names Commission for approval, accompanied by full information about the name, the reasons for its choice, and a clear description of the feature. This should include:

Proposed name form; Co-ordinates and elevation of midpoint or summit, or of extremities if extended feature; Distance and direction from associated named or unnamed features; topographic feature class; Feature characteristics (shape, dimensions, total relief, steepness etc.); Photo reference (vertical, oblique, satellite image etc.); Map reference (title, scale, year of publication); Reason for the choice of name; Date of discovery, recording, mapping etc. and by whom (expedition or field party); Particulars to specific element of the name (if an honoree, degree of association with the feature); Name and address of the proposer.

Appropriate international co-ordination should be maintained to provide relevant comments and information before decisions on new names are made.

Names already approved by the Commission might be changed in exceptional situations: to eliminate confusion or ambiguity, to standardize spelling, or to streamline name forms that are unnecessarily long or otherwise inconvenient. If a place name is withdrawn in favour of another one, then its possible transfer to a new feature may be considered.

Proposed names should not be used officially until their formal approval.

Sofia, March 2, 1995