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Page:Tourist's Maritime Provinces.djvu/35

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Rocks from Moncton, N. B.; a further journey across Northumberland Strait to Prince Edward Island via Point du Chene, returning via Pictou to upper Nova Scotia; and a tour thence to the Bras d'Or Lakes, Lake Ainslie, and the Margaree Valley before continuing to Sydney, Louisbourg, and the east coast of upper Cape Breton.

Or the traveller beginning his tour in Halifax or Yarmouth may proceed to Cape Breton after visiting southern Nova Scotia, retrace his steps to Pictou, N. S., cross to Prince Edward Island, recross to Point du Chene, N. B., proceed northwestward to the Bay de Chaleur region from Moncton, and come to St. John by rail from Campbellton—St. Leonard's—Fredericton, and by river from the capital to the chief port of New Brunswick. Or, arriving first at St. John, by rail or steamer, the course may be reversed, and the tour ended at a Nova Scotia port.

Those who approach the Provinces from the west will conveniently visit New Brunswick first, then Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton and lower Nova Scotia.

Even a short tour will certainly embrace the Fundy shore towns of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, with side trips to the Bras d'Or Lakes.

Tourists coming east via Montreal or Quebec, or those who travel westward to visit the northern section of New Brunswick, will find it a rewarding