The Plan holds in itself the essence of sensation.
The great problems of to-morrow, dictated by collective necessities, put the question of "plan" in a new form.
Modern life demands, and is waiting for, a new kind of plan, both for the house and for the city.
An inevitable element of Architecture.
The necessity for order. The regulating line is a guarantee against wilfulness. It brings satisfaction to the understanding.
The regulating line is a means to an end; it is not a recipe. Its choice and the modalities of expression given to it are an integral part of architectural creation,
A great epoch has begun.
There exists a new spirit.
There exists a mass of work conceived in the new spirit; it is to be met with particularly in industrial production.
Architecture is stifled by custom.
The "styles" are a lie.
Style is a unity of principle animating all the work of an epoch, the result of a state of mind which has its own special character.
Our own epoch is determining, day by day, its own style.
Our eyes, unhappily, are unable yet to discern it.