the cook being left behind with Kirby and Ned to take care of the cart. We left for the cart at 8 a.m., Wylde to remain to strengthen the detachment. I return by myself with some things from the cart, Ned and Hodgkinson found the bullocks that had strayed this morning, and brought them into camp about 3·30 p.m. They will proceed to the cart this afternoon with the stick that it may be fitted; we shall wait here till it comes.
19th. Remained in camp all day. Cut "MK., Dec. 17th, 18th, 19th, 1861," on a tree under which we camped. A native dog came into camp last night, and tried to get at the sheep in the fold (for at every camp we have to build a brush fold), but was shot by our native "Frank." The natives in the encampment close by, already mentioned, took fright at the report, and cleared out sharp, and not one was to be heard a quarter of an hour after. With them Bullenjani—he was a useful fellow in his way; I don't suppose we shall see him again. One of them returned in the morning. Temperature during the afternoon, 145°—very hot; indeed, no air hardly. The cart arrived all right; the men worked all night at it by the light of a fire, and, consequently, came up some hours before they were expected—too late for a start, but to-morrow we shall be on the road again.
20th. Up very early, and left "Gunani" Creek