Page:Tracts for the Times Vol 3.djvu/88

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The following Works, all in single volumes, or pamphlets, and recently published, will be found more or less to uphold or elucidate the general doctrines inculcated in these Tracts:—

Bp. Taylor on Repentance, by Hale.—Rivingtons.
Bp. Taylor's Golden Grove.—Parker, Oxford.
Vincentii Lirinensis Commonitorium, with translation.Parker, Oxford.
Pusey on Cathedrals and Clerical Education.—Roake and Varty.
Hook's University Sermons.—Talboys, Oxford.
Pusey on Baptism (published separately).—Rivingtons.
Newman's Sermons, 3 vols.—Rivingtons.
Newman on Romanism, &c.—Rivingtons.
The Christian Year.—Parker, Oxford.
Lyra Apostolica.—Rivingtons.
Perceval on the Roman Schism.—Leslie.
Bishop Jebb's Pastoral Instructions.—Duncan.
Dodsworth's Lectures on the Church.—Burns.
Newman on Sufragan Bishops.—Rivingtons.
Keble's Sermon on Tradition.—Rivingtons.
Memoir of Ambrose Bonwick.—Parker, Oxford.
Hymns for Children on the Lord's Prayer.—Rivingtons.
Law's first and second Letters to Hoadley.—Rivingtons.
Bp. Andrews's Devotions. Latin and Greek.—Pickering.
Hook's Family Prayers.—Rivingtons.
Herbert's Poems and Country Pastor.
Evans's Scripture Biography.—Rivingtons.
Le Bas's Life of Archbishop Laud.—Rivingtons.
Jones (of Nayland) on the Church.
Bp. Bethell on Baptismal Regeneration.—Rivingtons.

Larger Works which may be profitably studied.

Bishop Bull's Sermons.—Parker, Oxford.
Bishop Bull's Works.—University Press.
Waterland's Works.—Do.
Wall on Infant Baptism.—Do.
Pearson on the Creed.—Do.
Leslie's Works.—Do.
Bingham's Works.—Straker, London.
Palmer on the Liturgy.—University Press.
Hooker, ed. Keble.—Do.