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Ord. No. 35 of 2000

49. Duration of registration

(1) A trade mark shall be registered for a period of 10 years beginning on its date of registration.

(2) Registration may be renewed in accordance with section 50 (renewal of registration) for further periods of 10 years.

50. Renewal of registration

(1) The owner of a registered trade mark may, in the prescribed manner, request the renewal of the registration of the trade mark, subject to payment of the prescribed renewal fee.

(2) Provision may be made by the rules for the Registrar to inform the owner of a registered trade mark, before the expiry of the registration, of the date of expiry and the manner in which the registration may be renewed.

(3) A request for renewal must be made, and the renewal fee paid, before the expiry of the registration; and failing this, the request may be made and the renewal fee paid within such further period, of not less than 6 months, as may be prescribed, in which case an additional prescribed fee must also be paid within that period.

(4) Renewal shall take effect from the expiry of the previous registration.

(5) If the registration is not renewed in accordance with this section, the Registrar shall remove the trade mark from the register.

(6) Provision may be made by the rules for the restoration of the registration of a trade mark which has been removed from the register under subsection (5), subject to such conditions, if any, as may be prescribed.

(7) Notice of the renewal or restoration of the registration of a trade mark shall be published in the official journal in accordance with the rules.


51. Division, merger and registration of series

(1) Provision may be made by the rules as to—

(a) the division of an application for the registration of a trade mark into 2 or more separate applications, each of which claims the same protection under this Ordinance as the original application;
(b) the merging of separate applications for registration of a trade mark, each of which claims the same protection under this Ordinance, into a single application;