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Ord. No. 35 of 2000

24. Associated trade marks

(1) Where a trade mark relating to goods that is registered, or is the subject of an application for registration, in respect of any goods is identical with another trade mark that is registered, or is the subject of an application for registration, in the name of the same proprietor in respect of—

(a) the same goods or description of goods; or
(b) services that are associated with those goods or goods of that description, or so nearly resembles it as to be likely to deceive or cause confusion if used by a person other than the proprietor, the Registrar may at any time require that the trade marks shall be entered on the register as associated trade marks.

(1A) Where a trade mark relating to services that is registered, or is the subject of an application for registration, in respect of any services is identical with another trade mark that is registered, or is the subject of an application for registration, in the name of the same proprietor in respect of—

(a) the same services or description of services; or
(b) goods that are associated with those services or services of that description,

or so nearly resembles it as to be likely to deceive or cause confusion if used by a person other than the proprietor, the Registrar may at any time require that the trade marks shall be entered on the register as associated trade marks.

(2) On application made in the prescribed manner by the registered proprietor of 2 or more trade marks registered as associated trade marks, the Registrar may dissolve the association as respects any of them if he is satisfied that there would be no likelihood of deception or confusion being caused if that trade mark were used by another person in relation to any of the goods or services in respect of which it is registered, and he may amend the register accordingly.

(3) Any decision of the Registrar under the provisions of subsections (1), (1A) and (2) shall be subject to appeal to the Court.

25. Combined trade marks

(1) If the proprietor of a trade mark claims to be entitled to the exclusive use of any portion of such trade mark separately, he may apply to register the whole and any such part as separate trade marks. Each such separate trade mark must satisfy all the conditions of an independent trade mark and shall, subject to the provisions of subsection (2) hereof and section 38(2), have all the incidents of an independent trade mark.

(2) Where a trade mark and any part or parts thereof are thus registered as separate trade marks in the name of the same proprietor, they shall be deemed to be, and shall be registered as, associated trade marks.

26. Series of trade marks

(1) Where a person claiming to be the proprietor of several trade marks, in respect of the same goods or services or the same description of goods or services, seeks to register those trade marks and the trade marks, while resembling each other in the material particulars thereof, differ in respect of—

(a) statements of the goods or services in relation to which they are respectively used or proposed to be used; or
(b) statements of number, price, quality or names of places; or
(c) other matter of a non-distinctive character which does not substantially affect the identity of the trade mark; or
(d) colour,

the trade marks may be registered as a series in one registration.

(2) All trade marks so registered shall be deemed to be, and shall be registered as, associated trade marks.