Page:Trade o' langsyne, or, The mechanic's farewell.pdf/6

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John Anderson my jo, John, we’ve 'een our bairn’s
And yet, my dear John Anderson, I’m happy in
your arms;
And sae are ye in mine John, I’m sure ye’ll ne’er
sae no,
Tho’ the days are past that we have seen, John An-
derson my jo.

John Anderson my jo, John, frae year to year we’ve
And soon that year may come, John, that will bring
us to our last;
But let not that affright us, John, our hearts were
ne’er our foe,
While in innocent delight we’ve liv’d, John Ander-
son ray jo.

John Andersen any jo, John, we've climb’d the hill
And mony a canty day, John, we’ve had wi’ane
Now we maun totter down, John, and hand in hand
we’ll go,
And we’ll sleep thegither at the fit, John Anderson

my jo.