Page:Tradesman's' farewell.pdf/3

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Many a good mechanic,
Through mere necessity,
Is gone on board a man of war,
And left his family;
There’s scarce any encouragement
For man’s industry,
Tis better to serve the King,
Than live in poverty.

Great numbers of our tradesmen
Have nothing for to do;
The weaver’s loom is idle,
Which does his grief renew;
What can surpass their great distress!
Their comfort is but small;
Instead of having a free trade,
They have no trade at all.

Likewise those crafty meal-men
Great profit they do make,
And those cunning little bakers
Advantages do take;
The loaf is small, yet, after all,
They crib an ounce or two;
Poor people, by experience,
They know it to be true.

The widows and their orphans,
Alas! are in great need;
To hear their lamentation
Would make your heart to bleed