Page:Traditional Tales of the English and Scottish Peasantry - 1887.djvu/8

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  1. Sheridan's Plays.
  2. Plays from Molière. By
    English Dramatists.
  3. Marlowe's Faustus and
    Goethe's Faust.
  4. Chronicle of the Cid.
  5. Rabelais' Gargantua and the
    Heroic Deeds of Pantagruel.
  6. Machieavelli's Prince.
  7. Bacon's Essays.
  8. Defoe's Journal of the
    Plague Year.
  9. Locke on Civil Government
    and Filmer's "Patriarcha."
  10. Butler's Analogy of Religion.
  11. Dyden's Virgil.
  12. Scott's Demonology and
  13. Herrick's Herperides.
  14. Coleridge's Table-Talk.
  15. Boccaccio's Decameron.
  16. Sterne's Tristram Shandy.
  17. Chapman's Homer's Iliad.
  18. Mediæval Tales.
  19. Voltaire's Candide, and
    Johnson's Rasselas.
  20. Jonson's Plays and Poems.
  21. Hobbes's Leviathan.
  22. Samuel Butler's Hudibras.
  23. Ideal Commonwealths
  24. Cavendish's Life of Wolsey
  25. & 26. Don Quixote.
  26. Burlesque Plays and Poems
  27. Dante's Divine Comedy.
    Longfellow's Translation.
  28. Goldsmith's Vicar of Wake-
    field, Plays, and Poems.

  1. Fables and Proverbs from
    the Sanskrit (Hitopadesa.
  2. Lamb's Essays of Elia.
  3. The History of Thomas
  4. Emerson's Essays, &c.
  5. Southey's Life of Nelson.
  6. De Quincey's Confessions
    of an Opium-Eater, &c.
  7. Stories of Ireland. By Miss
  8. Frere's Aristophanes:
    Acharnians, Knights, Birds.
  9. Burke's Speeches and Letters.
  10. Thomas à Kempis.
  11. Popular Songs of Ireland.
  12. Potter's Æschylus.
  13. Goethe's Faust: Part II.
    Anster's Translation.
  14. Famous Pamphlets.
  15. Francklin's Sophocles
  16. M. G. Lewis's Tales of
    Terror and Wonder.
  17. Vestiges of the Natural
    History of Creation.
  18. Cobbett's Advice to Young
  19. The Banquet of Dante.
  20. Walker's Original.
  21. Schiller's Poems and
  22. Peele's Plays and Poems.
  23. Harrington's Oceana.
  24. Euripedes: Alcestis and
    other Plays.
  25. Praed's Essays.
  26. Traditional Tales.
    Allan Cunningham.

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