Page:Traffic Signs for Motorways (1962).pdf/12

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  1. Paragraphs
  2. Terms of Reference1
  3. Introduction2-5
  4. Method of work6-9
  5. General Principles10-41
  6. Layout12-13
  7. Lettering14-15
  8. Size of Lettering19-21
  9. Colour22-24
  10. Illumination25-30
  11. Mounting and Siting31-37
  12. Content of Signs38-41
  13. Place-Names38-39
  14. Mileages40
  15. Route-Numbers41
  16. Detailed design of recommended signs42-145
  17. Motorway Symbol43-46
  18. Joining the Motorway47-65
  19. Signs at Distant Points47-50
  20. Signs on the Immediate Approach to Junctions with the Motorway51-57
  21. Supplementary Direction Signs at the Junction itself58-60
  22. Signs Indicating Motorway Regulations61-65
  23. On the Motorway66-84
  24. Confirmatory Signs66-67
  25. Telephone Signs68-71
  26. Emergency Signs72-84
  27. Leaving the Motorway85-132
  28. Intermediate Junctions85-101
  29. Advance Direction Signs85-90
  30. Exit Distance Markers91-93
  31. Supplementary Exit Signs94-95
  32. Carriageway Markings96
  33. Final Advance Direction Sign on the Slip Road97-98
  34. Sign Indicating End of Motorway Restrictions99
  35. White Arrow on a Blue Ground100
  36. Merging Traffic101
  37. Junctions of Two Motorways102-115
  38. Advance Direction Signs102-109
  39. Supplementary Direction Signs110-111
  40. Merging Traffic112-115
