Page:Tragical end of William and Margaret (NLS104186715).pdf/2

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William and Margaret.

WHEN all was wrapt in dark midnight,
and all was faſt aſleep;
In glided Marg'ret a griſly Ghoſt,
and ſtood at Wiliam's feet

Her face was like the April morn,
clad in a wintry cloud;
And clay cold was her lilly hand,
that held the fable ſhroud.

Se fall the faireſt face appear,
when youth and years are flown;
Such is the robe that Kings muſt wear,
when death has reſt the crown.

Her blood is like the ſpringing flow'r,
that ſips the ſilver dew;
She rode was backed in her cheek;
and op'ning to the view.

But love had like the canker worm,
conſum'd her early prime:
The roſe grew pale and left her check,
ſhe died before her prime: