Page:Tragical end of William and Margaret (NLS104186715).pdf/4

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Dark are mine eyes, now clos'd in death,
and every charm is fled,

The hungry words my ſiſter is,
this winding ſheet I wear
And cold and wears laſte that night:
till that laſt morn appear.

But hark! the cock has warn'd me hence,
a laſt and long adieu;
Come ſee falſe man, how low ſhe lies,
that died for love of you

New bids did ſing, and morning fail'd,
and ſhaw'd her gliſt'ning head;
Pale William ſhook in er'ry limb,
then raving left his bed.

He hy'd him to the fatal place,
where Marg'ret's body lay,
And stretch'd him en the green graſs turf,
that wrapt ber breathleſs e'ay,

And thrice he call'd on Marg'ret's name,
and thrice he wept full frae
Then laid his cheek to the cold earth,
and words ſpoke never more

The laird of Logie.

The young laird of Logie is to prison caſt,
Carmichael's the keeper of the key