Page:Tragical end of William and Margaret (NLS104186715).pdf/6

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She has put of her gown of silk,
and so has she her gay clothing
Go fetch me a knife and I'll kill myself,
since the laird of Logie is not mine.
Then out bespoke our gracious Queen,
and she spoke wards most tenderlie,
Now hold your hand, Lady Marg'ret, she said,
and I'll try to set young Legie free,

She's up into the King's chambr gone,
and among his nobles so free;
Hold away, hold away, says our gracious King,
no more of your pardons for young Logie,
Had you but ask'd me for houses and land,
I would have give you castles three;
Or any thing else shall be at your command,
but only a pardon for young Logie.

Hold your hand now my Sovereign Liege,
and of your ange: let it be;
For the innoxent blood of Lady Marg'ret
it will rest on the head of thee and me.
The King and Queen aie gone to their bed,
but as he was sleeping so quietly the
She has stole the keys from below his head,
and has sent to set young Logie free.

Young Logie hes on horse-back got,
of chains and fetters he's got free:
As he pass'd by the King's window,
there he has fired vollies three.
The King he awał'ned out of his sleep
out of his bed came hostilie,