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The hint was instantly taken, and, the little hand opening, the prisoner flew off as fast as its gossamer pinions could bear it.

"Would you like, Ellen, to have some giant snatch you up, and carry you off, for the sake of showing how your hair curled—should you not be very much frightened?"

Ellen stood silent, looking pleadingly into her mother's face; but Julia, who had drawn close to her sister, said,

"But there are no giants, mamma, to carry us away to look at us."

"No, love, but there are many ways in which all may be as needlessly tormented as that poor butterfly; and, by thinking how little we should ourselves like it, we shall surely grow more careful how we pain others. And now go, and see if there are any buds on the white rose tree, and, if there are, bring me one."

"I wish you would not talk, Indiana, it exhausts you," said Mr. Dalton: "besides, what did it matter about a nonsensical butterfly? you