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round her neck, but it was some moments before she could speak her thanks. Her little eyes were full of tears, and gratitude for a while over-powered even pleasure.

Fanny kissed her, and then said "We are late, and must make so much haste; besides I long to know if it will fit you."

She began to unfasten the numerous curl-papers which had cost her so much labour the night before. The hair was in first rate curl, and by the time some half dozen ringlets were combed out, Emmeline found voice to say, "I can never thank you enough my dearest, kindest Miss Beaumont, but I am so happy."

Indeed her happiness was too great to allow of her standing still, only Fanny at last very judiciously turned her face towards the new dress, and the hair was soon finished. The frock fitted to perfection, and, again thanking and kissing its kind donor, Emmeline hurried to the school-room where she was greeted with a universal exclamation of surprise. "It is Miss Beaumont's pre-