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the style therefore they alighted—all were glad to be in motion, the heaviness on the air had passed away, leaving only a refreshing coolness behind.

The hedge, by whose side the foot-path wound, was covered with that rich growth of leaf and bloom which marks the delicious season when spring is deepening into summer.

At every step Edith stopped, to gather some new treasure, till her little arms were filled with flowers, while her large dark eyes turned to her companions with such an eloquent expression of delight, that the silence of her mouth was forgotten. The whole party felt the influence of the cheerful scene, and when they reached the small parlour, where the tea was prepared, it was with a sensation of rest and hope to which they had long been strangers. Edith was quite ready to enjoy her bread and honey, and Mrs. Beaumont was pleased with the respectful civility of the neat old woman who received them. The room was small but delicately clean, and the