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the goodness to tell me what business you had in the drawing-room. Was this the first time?"

"No," said Julia, in an almost inaudible whisper.

"How dare you run in and out, bringing all the dirt from the garden."

"We take such care," replied Julia, who on most occasions acted as spokeswoman, "to rub our feet before we come in."

"But how dare you come in when my orders are that you should not?" To this question no answer was returned, the culprits stood pale with fear, their heads hung down and not daring even to look at each other.

"I'll make you repent this obstinacy. I insist upon knowing what you were doing there." The loud tone in which this was said admitted of no farther delay: trembling from head to foot, Julia at last answered:

"We go there every morning to see if you have been put in our own mamma's picture." The fact was the children, who never rightly under-