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the few questions put afterwards in a manner that showed she quite understood what she had been reading.

"Your mamma must have taken a great deal of pains with you," observed her new instructress. "You must now try and take pains with yourself. I am sure you love your mamma, and would wish to please her."

"I do not love her, and do not wish to please her," answered Julia.

"Fie, fie," exclaimed the governess, "you must not say so."

"Eda," replied the child, meekly, but steadily, "told me I was always to speak the truth."

"But surely you ought to love your mamma, who has taken so much trouble in teaching you to read?"

"I do not love her, for she does not love us, und she did not teach me to read."

"Who taught you to read?"

"Eda: and she taught us to say our prayers, and to pray for the new mamma; but she has not