Page:Transactions NZ Institute Vol 22.djvu/12

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XIX. The Wattle-blight (Icerya purchasi) in Tasmania, and its Natural Enemies. By James Hudson, M.B. 176–178
XX. An Entomological Tour on the Table-land of Mount Arthur. By G. V. Hudson, F.E.S. 179–186
XXI. Eristalis tenax and Muaca vomitoria in New Zealand. By G. V. Hudson 187–188
XXII. Revision of the New Zealand Idoteidæ. By Charles Chilton, M. A., B.Sc. 189–204
XXIII. Descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera. By E. Meyrick, B.A., F.E.S. 204–220
XXIV. Descriptions of New Species of New Zealand Land and Fresh-water Shells. By H. Suter 221–230
XXV. Notes on a Collection of Pselaphida from the Neighbourhood of Clevedon, Southern Wairoa. By Captain T. Broun 230–233
XXVI. Description of a New Species of Argiope, from Fiji. By A. T. Urquhart 234–236
XXVII. On Two Species of Aranea new to Science, from the Jenolan Caves, New South Wales. By A. T. Urquhart 236–239
XXVIII. Description of New Species of Araneidæ. By A. T. Urquhart 239–266
XXIX. Description of New Species of New Zealand Araneæ, with Notes on their Habits. By P. Goyen, F.L.S. 267–273
XXX. On a New Genus of Fishes of the Family Percidæ, from New Zealand. By H. O. Forbes, F.R.G.S., F.Z.S., A.L.S., Director of the Canterbury Museum 273–275
XXXI. List of the New Zealand Fishes. By Professor F. W. Hutton 275–285
XXXII. Observations on the Mokohinou Islands and the Birds which visit them. By F. Sandager 286–294
XXXIII. Notes on a Paper entitled "The Takahe in Western Otago," by Mr. James Park, F.G.S. By E. Melland 295–300
XXXIV. On the Habits of the New Zealand Bush-rat (Mus maorium). By Joshua Rutland: communicated by Professor Hutton 300–307
XXXV. Rabbit-disease in the South Wairarapa. By Coleman Phillips 308–325
XXXVI. The Soaring of the Hawk—A possible Reason for Notched Wing-feathers. By T. W. Kirk, F.R.M.S. 325–320
XXXVII. On the Wild Dogs of New Zealand. By Taylor White 327–330
XXXVIII. Note on the Fœtal Membranes of Mustelus antarcticus. By T. J. Parker, F.R.S., University of Otago. With an Analysis of the Pseudamniotic Fluid, by Professor A. Liversidge, F.R.S., University of Sydney 331–333
XXXIX. On a Specimen of the Great Ribbon-fish (Regalecus argenteus) taken in Nelson Harbour. By R. I. Kingsley 333–338
XL. On the Occurrence of the Black Vine-weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) in Nelson. By R. I. Kingsley 338–340